About Alli

Written by Paul
It's difficult to talk about the love of your life in just a few paragraphs, but I will do my best.  Alli is many things.  She is a wife, a mother, a sister, a daughter, a friend and many other things to many different people.  To me she is my best friend.

Alli is beautiful, selfless, loyal, intelligent, and one of the funnies people I know.  Alli loves spending time with her family and friends and is always willing to help them with anything.  I love to watch Alli laugh (really more of a giggle) when she thinks something is funny.  It's even better to watch when she laughs at one of her own jokes.  Alli is easy to get along with and makes friends easily as she is a very outgoing individual.  I often listen to Alli tell me stories about her friends that she has met through the adoption community on Facebook or Instagram.  It is amazing how she is able to connect and befriend people that she has never met in person.

Alli loves being our son Carter's mom.  There isn't much that brings me more joy than watching Alli and Carter spend time together.  Whether they are being silly together and laughing uncontrollably or Alli is patiently teaching Carter something, you can tell she has found her calling in life.  Alli loves to take Carter for walks to the park, read to him, and even play trains and dinosaurs.  Alli is devoted to ensuring Carter has many new experiences where he can learn and have fun.  To say Alli loves being a mom would be an understatement.  Carter and Alli have a bond that is indescribable.  

Alli started her own business about 4 years ago and works out of our home.  She is an accountant and loves helping her clients achieve their goals.  She was the first person in her family to graduate from college and is one of the hardest working individuals I know.  When Alli decides she wants to accomplish something she sets her mind to it and gets it done.

Alli is a devoted daughter to her Heavenly Father. She knows and loves him and does her best to live her life in a manner that would make him proud.  Alli has a testimony of Jesus Christ and is grateful for his eternal sacrifice.

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